
Should You Run the Blower Fan When the AC Is Off?

There’s one thing that puzzles homeowners when it comes to cooling — is it OK to keep the blower fan running without turning on the air conditioner itself? Although this practice may seem to make sense since it aids in circulating fresh, cool air around the property, it may actually cost you more money in the long run. In this post, a professional HVAC and roofing company discusses this particular issue.

Cooling at Home

Fans were first introduced in the 1800s. Since then, they ‘ve been used to help cool down homeowners when the indoor temperature is especially warm. A fan at home also helps people breathe easier at high levels of humidity. They come in a wide variety of styles that are designed to blow fresh air into homes while drawing warm, unpleasant air out. 

How It Works

Inside your air conditioning unit is a component called the blower. The main function of this fan is to blow the cool air from the air exchanger throughout your entire house via a series of ducts. It does an impressively effective job of distributing air, leading homeowners to think that it makes sense to run it when it gets particularly hot inside without turning on the air conditioner itself. Though this will deliver a short-term solution for cooling your home, it also presents a lot of issues, according to expert roofers.

Hot Ducts

When you run the blower for long periods of time without turning on your air conditioning unit, the ducts are bound to heat up, especially when it gets extremely hot outdoors. The result can be even worse if the ducts are located under the floor or in the attic, since the heat is likely to get in. This means that you’re only truly circulating hot air throughout your house, potentially causing health risks and structural problems.

Is it a good idea to run a whole-home blower fan to provide cooling at home? To put it simply, not really. Your best option is to allow the air conditioner to do its 


Do you need help with your HVAC system at home? Turn to Hader Solutions for a smooth and stress-free experience! In addition to reliable heating and cooling services, we also offer professional chimney repair and other roofing services to clients in and around Cincinnati, OH. Call us today at (513) 661-1910 or fill out this contact form to start a conversation with one of our specialists.


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