
4 Things You Need to Check Before Your Turn on Your Furnace

As we ease into cooler weather, you’re probably already thinking about turning on your furnace. But before you do, keep in mind that turning on your home’s heating system isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. In today’s post, local HVAC and chimney repair company Hader shares the things you need to check before you turn on your furnace.

hvac technician furnace inspection chimney repair

Vents and registers — Make it a point to make sure your vents and registers are clean and free of obstructions. Debris and dust buildup can cause blockage, which can reduce airflow and put unnecessary strain on your ventilation system. Make sure vents and registers aren’t blocked by furniture. If moving it to another part of the room isn’t possible, allow several inches of clearance in front of the vents and registers to ensure sufficient airflow.

Air filters — HVAC contractors and roofers recommend replacing air filters every three months, or once a month during seasons of heavy heating and cooling use. If you didn’t replace it earlier in the year, you might as well start with a clean one for the fall season. When purchasing replacement air filters, make sure you buy the exact same size as the one you’re replacing. If you’re unsure which replacement filter to buy, local HVAC contractors like us will be happy to make recommendations.

Air ducts — Air ducts typically require professional cleaning every five years. The inside of your home’s air ducts aren’t readily visible, and there may be spots where indoor air pollutants like dust, pollen, and mold spores gather unseen. These pollutants could get dispersed throughout the house if the furnace is turned on without first cleaning the air ducts. Given the equipment needed to clean air ducts, it’s best to leave duct cleaning to the professionals.

Furnace — Lastly, make sure you inspect the furnace itself. If you have a wood- or fuel-burning furnace, make sure there’s no soot or fuel residue. Otherwise, if you have an electric furnace, make sure the coils are clean and the power cables don’t have exposed wires. Make a repair appointment with your HVAC technician for repairs should you find any problems.

Call Hader for Your Heating Needs

Hader is one of the leading HVAC and roofing companies serving Cincinnati and surrounding communities. Give us a call at (513) 661-1910 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.


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