
Debunking Some Common Central AC Myths & Misconceptions

Central air conditioners provide a cost-effective and convenient way to keep a home cool and comfortable during the warmer months. You’ve probably used your home’s central air conditioner for years now, but how well do you really understand it? In today’s article, Hader Heating and Air Conditioning, one of the top HVAC contractors and roofers in our local area, discusses some popular myths and misconceptions about central air conditioning.

The Bigger the Air Conditioner, the Better

This assertion isn’t true because oversized units can actually cause all sorts of problems. For instance, an oversized unit may cycle on and off too frequently, causing excessive wear and tear on the unit, which can then lead to premature failure. Oversized units are also inefficient, which can lead to higher energy bills. Your air conditioning unit needs to be properly sized to your home if you want the best possible performance.

You Should Always Turn Off Your Air Conditioner When Leaving

While turning off the air conditioner before you leave the house might seem like an obvious and effective way to save money, unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Turning off your central air conditioner before leaving can create issues that cause you to pay more money than you should. Your AC unit plays a role in controlling indoor humidity, which is important for maintaining your home’s indoor air quality and comfort. As one of the top HVAC and roofing companies in our area, we suggest installing a smart HVAC system that you can control remotely. This will allow you to optimize your air conditioning use and adjust its settings remotely.

Your Air Conditioner Needs New Refrigerant Each Year

Refrigerant charge affects the performance and efficiency of your air conditioner. The charge in your unit should match the manufacturer’s specification exactly; in other words, your unit should be neither overcharged or undercharged, which means that adding new refrigerant each year isn’t always the best approach.

Hader Heating and Air Conditioning can help you with all of your HVAC, roofing and chimney repair needs. We’re one of the most experienced heating and cooling companies in our local area. We’ve been Cincinnati’s trusted comfort experts for over 100 years! Our technicians have encountered and fixed all kinds of heating and air conditioning problems, so you can rely on us to make your home comfortable again. We serve many areas, including Cincinnati. Call us at (513) 661-1910 to learn more about our products and services or to schedule an appointment.


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