
Things to Know Before Getting a High-Efficiency Furnace

A furnace can work for three decades, but yours is probably obsolete if it was manufactured before 1992. After 1991, the Department of Energy started setting efficiency standards in hopes of curbing energy waste and pollution. Today, the most efficient furnaces can turn 98.5% of their fuel (oil or gas) into heat.

That said, any Hader heating and cooling expert would say that choosing a product with the highest annual fuel utilization efficiency wouldn’t suffice. To achieve maximum efficiency, think about these things too:

Ductwork Is Necessary

A furnace is forced air equipment. It relies on ducts to circulate the heat it generates throughout the house. Without existing ductwork, the installation of a distribution system will add to your costs.

Air-Duct Sealing and Insulation Matters

Leaky and under or uninsulated ducts are an energy drain. Fortunately, gaps and holes anywhere in the ductwork are easy to fix with Aeroseal. When applied ahead of high-efficiency furnace installation, expect your new heating equipment to economize on energy.

Proper Sizing Is Important

As with air conditioners, size matters when it comes to furnaces as well. An undersized unit can lead to underperformance, but an oversized one can be just as bad, if not worse. If your furnace is too large for the rooms it’s meant to warm up, it’s going to cost more to use. Let an experienced technician do the math and determine the optimum furnace capacity for your home.

Obstruction Is a Problem

Obstructed heating registers are more common than you think. Make sure nothing hinders the airflow to maximize the performance of your furnace.

Invest in Top-Shelf Hader Heating and Cooling Systems

Hader heating and cooling systems meet today’s energy-efficiency requirements. Call Hader Solutions at (513) 612-9201 now or fill out this form, to discuss your space-heating needs.


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