
How to Deal With a Furnace That's Blowing Cold Air

To ensure your home remains warm, comfortable and efficient this winter, you need to make sure your furnace stays in tip-top shape. This means staying on the lookout for any problems that can compromise its performance. Is your furnace blowing cold air, for instance? Hader Solutions, the premier chimney repair and heating installation company in the area, expounds on this issue and what you can do about it here.

couple looking cold

Change the furnace’s air filter. A clogged, dirty furnace filter can hamper the distribution of hot air throughout your living space. This can cause the unit to overheat, tripping a high-limit switch that shuts off the furnace’s burners. The burners then automatically halt operation to prevent damage to the heat exchanger. 

Because the burners aren’t running, this is perhaps the reason only cold air is blowing from the furnace. You can deal with this by turning off the furnace and changing its air filter. To reset the furnace, you might need to call a trusted local heating company like Hader Solutions for assistance. We’re not just your gutter installation expert–we can also handle your home’s heating needs.

Check the thermostat’s fan setting. If you notice that your furnace blows hot air sometimes while blowing cold air at other times, the thermostat’s fan might be set to ON. This means the blower will run non-stop, circulating air throughout your house even when the furnace isn’t actually distributing heat. To resolve this, you should set the thermostat’s fan setting to AUTO instead. This ensures the blower will operate only when the furnace is heating the air.

Reset the system. A furnace blowing cold air may also indicate a problem with the system’s electronic control panel. Resetting the furnace by flipping the OFF switch, waiting a few minutes, then flipping it back ON usually does the trick. But if this doesn’t work, you might need a professional furnace repair.

Whether you need expert duct sealing or a furnace repair, Hader Solutions has got you covered. With our top-tier solutions, we’ll make sure you get the most out of your furnace’s life and performance. We serve Cincinnati, OH, and nearby areas. Call us today at (513) 661-1910 or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation.


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