
Do I need an Air Purifier? And Other Frequently Asked Questions About Maintaining Home Comfort

Homeownership is rewarding, but it can be a difficult thing to navigate for both new and seasoned homeowners alike. We’ve compiled a list of some very commonly asked questions about maintaining home comfort.

Home Comfort: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the home comfort questions that we most often here from our customers:

Q: Do I need an air purifier?

A: It depends. There are several circumstances when it would be a good idea to think about getting an air purifier. If your home smells of varnish, adhesive (from carpets), or other noxious scents, then an air purifier would be a good idea. Also, if you notice a lot of excess dust particles in your home, even after cleaning, then an air purifier could help to clean the air.

If anyone in your home suffers from respiratory issues, an air purifier can help to keep maintain excellent indoor air quality for you and your loved ones’ health.

Q: Will houseplants actually improve my indoor air quality?

A: Houseplants can be quite beneficial to your home’s air. Seek out broad leafed plants or plants with a lot of leafy surface area, such as ivy and ferns. Plants help clean the air by taking in pollutants from the air, such as harmful gases, and converting them into oxygen. This helps make the air cleaner and purer while adding a little greenery to your living environment.

Q: Should I make special consideration if I have pets?

A: Yes. Pay close attention to areas of your home where dust collects as it can be particularly bad with pets. These are the areas where pet-friendly homes collect extra dander and pet debris, such as around vents, and behind large furniture and appliances. Excess dust and debris can get caught up in your home’s air ducts by way of your HVAC system.

To prevent buildup of pet dander and debris, clean your home on a regular basis. Make sure to vacuum carpets, furniture, and drapes or curtains regularly. You may also want to have your ductwork cleaned professionally, and invest in a special HVAC air filter to trap pet debris.

Q: What’s the ideal temperature to set your home’s thermostat?

A: Even though 72ºF seems to be the common default temperature for your home, it really depends on the time of year and the temperature outside. It’s actually beneficial for both your budget and your health if you set your thermostat to run a little “less comfortably” than you’d expect. For instance, in the wintertime, try setting your thermostat at 69ºF.

In the wintertime, for every degree you decrease, you could save up to 5% in energy costs. In fact, according to the National Sleep Association, we actually may sleep best at a cooler temperature, especially when covered with blankets.

The same goes for the summertime. Instead of cranking your air conditioner on the coldest setting you can tolerate, try setting it a bit above what you normally would, and use ceiling fans and open windows to circulate air throughout your home.

Q: What is Sick Building Syndrome? Is my home at risk?

A: Sick building syndrome, or sick house syndrome, is a phenomenon that describes an experience of malaise that occurs in occupants of homes and other buildings, most likely due to poor air quality. Symptoms can include headaches, flu-like symptoms, dizziness, and ear nose and throat irritation.

To prevent this from occurring in your home, increase ventilation as well as air distribution within the home. If you are aware of strong pollutants, then your home’s air will need to be vented to flow outside of your home. Another helpful way to prevent sick building syndrome is to have routine professional maintenance performed on your HVAC system to ensure it’s running smoothly year-round. You should also work to control any standing water or moisture in your home, which could lead to mold growth.

If you need professional HVAC maintenance or duct sealing, contact us today. Both of these services will help ensure you and your family will reap the rewards of excellent air quality within your home. Give us a call today to learn more: 513-612-9201.


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